Friday, August 24, 2012

Real or Fake Skin79 BB Cream?

Skin 79 Hot Pink Triple Function BB Cream

Real or Fake?


So this is going to be a blog post concerning the famous Skin79 BB Cream that has many people raving on about it. I'll be telling about my first personal experience and, also, thoughts and updates concerning authenticity of the Skin79 Hot Pink Triple Function BB Cream in 2012.

As you may know, BB Cream is short for Beblesh Balm or Blemish Balm and is quite the trend in Asia - Particularly South Korea is known for its BB Creams. With the trend now spreading to other parts of the world, many people are eager to get their hands on these products... but... how can one do so if one doesn't live in South Korea or Asia? For international buyers, such as myself, we must resort to ordering from online buyers (Or, if lucky enough, we have a friend who lives in Asia who can buy and ship!)

Buying BB Cream Factors:

However, while buying online is quite easy, there are two main factors to consider:

Price & Authenticity!

Money is always an issue and, of course, the cheaper an item is, the better! Some BB Creams are quite expensive and may not be within your price range. However, there are some sellers (eBay or Amazon) which may sell your wanted product for less! Something like that is bound to catch your eye! However...

Buying a real, authentic BB Cream or a fake one is a huge concern. You wouldn't want to be putting something with unknown chemicals and ingredients on your face, would you? Neither does anyone else. Since the trend is quite big, many other companies are imitating the genuine BB Creams in order to make a profit and sell those off to unwary buyers. This is the biggest issue here!

My Pre-Story: (Read or Skip)

Now that we have those out of the way, I'll tell a bit about myself and my first time buying BB Cream. So I currently live in the United States and am a big fanatic on Asian culture (... Being Asian myself) Once I heard about BB Creams, I was itching to try them, but a number of things prevented me from ordering one.

1) I was pretty young
2) I was not sure if my parents were willing to buy something like a BB Cream for me
3) The issue of fake BB Creams

Well, I finally decided to go ahead and try a BB Cream, figuring "Hey, why not?" and I had decided to go with the Skin79 Hot Pink Triple Function BB Cream, due to having oily skin and its good reviews.
(Note: This is also one of the most popular BB Creams that are replicated due to its popularity)

This is where the issue of pricing came for me. Although I knew I could go ahead and buy a 100% guaranteed authentic Skin79 BB Cream from the North American website, I decided to go ahead and try my luck at other sellers first.

I first ordered from an Amazon seller called "SeoulGlamour" who has quite a high rating on Amazon. I ordered right away once I made my decision and this is where the cliche "Think before you jump," comes in. Once I had read this little discussion soon after, it caused me to be wary of what I had ordered. Knowing that once I open a package, there would be no opportunity for return, I decided to return the package rather than open and check if the product was real or not. I would be losing money, either way, but not as much.

One day after I ordered from SeoulGlamour and realized my impulsiveness, I decided to order from a recommended eBay seller named "Rubyruby76" who was recommended by the famous Bubzbeauty and a number of other Youtubers and users.

I'll be doing a little review on my experience with these sellers, but onto the discussion of the BB Cream I ordered!

Skin79 Hot Pink Triple Function BB Cream:

I looked at many websites and blogs to find posts which would help to differentiate between a real and fake BB Cream. Here are some of my favorites in order from oldest to newest:
(Note: When checking, I believe it's best to use the most recent one comparison you can find)

June 2010: BabyAdore
January 2011: The Beauty Bin
December 2011: * Vanity No Apologies *

I also searched for pictures of the recent pics of the BB Cream in 2012:
1 2 3 4

So, please check those out for a comparison because I do not think I can confidently provide one since I have only on BB Cream from an eBay seller. However, I will go through some details which I believe concern the more recent Skin79 BB Cream and have not been addressed to verify its authenticity.

Updated Authenticity Verification 2012: 

Factor #1:

Authenticity Label:

Skin79 has put on a label which verifies the product's authenticity. It should say it's from WIZCO which is the manufacturer and it must be clear of any letters or voids in the background. If you find dark gray writing in the background, it has been tampered with and is likely a fake.

Factor #2


Rubbing off of Letters and Glossy Effect:
This was an issue which I had found with Amazon sellers (Once again, referring to this discussion)
Apparently, the letters on the word "BB" and "Skin79" logo on the bottle should not be rubbing off and should have a rainbow glossy effect. If they do, it is likely a fake (Though I cannot guarantee this, but this is from my findings).

Factor #3:

Wrinkle Improvement:
Referring to the discussion mentioned in the previous detail, the words have changed from "Wrinkle Free" to "Wrinkle Improvement" in Skin79's recent package update in 2012. Apparently the change had been made earlier this year, so make sure that your BB Cream has "Wrinkle Improvement" written on it to ensure it's new and not an old BB Cream.

Factor #4

This is really the only detail which I am not sure about, but I will be addressing anyways. On the inside of the box, there should be four sides of instructions written in four different languages. On the English instructions side, I have noticed that there is a misspelling of the word "Wrinkle" and it's, instead, spelt as "Wriinkle" with two "i's. I can't say too much on this, but I did find this issue addressed on Yahoo! Answers, as well. I am not sure if it is simple a manufacturing typo or not, but if someone has a 100% legitimate Skin79 BB Cream bought from the official seller and would like to help out, it would be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE (1/06/13):
It seems that those who have bought from the actual Skin79 site have also reported the typo, so, if this is the case, I am guessing it is just a manufacturing typo and not a sign that your BB Cream is fake. Thanks to Heather who mentioned this!

For me, I believe my BB Cream is real with the exception of the unknown "Wriinkle" detail.

I believe that's all I'll be writing for this post. Look forward to my own review of the Skin79 BB Cream as well as reviews of the sellers and my experience with them (Packaging, contact, etc.). I hope this has helped!

 Note: All pictures and videos are taken by me. I apologize for the quality!

(May 17, 2013)

It seems that the letters of the "BB" on my BB Cream have begun to rub off, as well. A commenter, Christi, had noted she had bought directly from the official Skin79 site and her letters had also fade away.

I have been using my BB Cream for the past year or so and have had no real problems with it. I have not taken my bottle with me anywhere so there was no real potential for any outside factors to damage the labeling. I believe that the rubbing off of the letters does not prove the authenticity of the BB Cream.

The most important factor to consider is the genuine security label!